Monday, August 29, 2011

The Hyperon Incident (working title) Chapter 2

The sun rose over the wood and metal buildings in the Mitsumasa district. Located in the Province of Valtierra, between the equator and 'South Pole' of the planet Balder 4, the climate was temperate, almost Mediterranean, and the birds and other imported fauna had begun to wake up. An argument could be heard between a flock of love birds and scrub jays over a feeder which had been installed recently on a live oak tree, and the former flock was winning. In another tree, a budgerigar parakeet flirted with an uninterested sparrow, while a nearby spotted owl tried in vain to get some sleep. Frustrated, the night bird of prey flew to a birch, away from its usual roost.

Balder 4 was located at the outer rim of the Federation, and like many of the other frontier planets, made its own eccentric rules. The ecosystems were somewhat like those of Old Earth, yet in other ways, different. Most of the countries had few systems of social welfare, and in one state, police and fire protection was funded on a voluntary basis by the citizens, while the roads and utilities were all privately-owned. Despite recent lobbying and a few riots, the parliament could not come to an agreement and the majority of the citizens voted 'no' on establishing government-run schools. The Prime Minister and her wife, when questioned on their views of the situation, both declined to comment, and covered the face of their young son which the latter was feeding as the photographers began taking their pictures.

The planet had very lax rules of the importation of fauna, as it had only been terraformed a little over a century previously, and the various ecosystems were still regulating themselves. Many colonists had pets, mostly small birds like parakeets, canaries and finches, so they began to spread throughout the planet, changing and adapting due to their short lifespans and prolific breeding habits. Mitsumasa had squirrels, which were considered obligatory for any forest, though there were many settlements of guinea pigs, rabbits and hares. Many of these animals could be considered 'feral' since their ancestors were raised by humans, and many a child would bring home a small fuzzy or feathered animal and ask, "Can I keep him?". Balder, like most colonies, was rabies free and any animal could be imported after a quarantine and examination, so the worst that could happen was the child's parents would answer 'no'.

A red fox waited in a thicket near the live oak tree, her eyes on a brown and white mother guinea pig that was busy chattering away at her three young ones and nibbling on some grass seedlings. A hamster crawled out of his burrow to look for some seeds, while a white mouse scurried by, sniffing the air and smelling danger nearby. Then, the clatter of shoes on nearby pavement startled the animals in the park, and a few of them ran to hide. The guinea pig family stopped to watch as the giants passed by, but had memories of them in their genes from many past generations. The mother was more concerned about the fox hiding in the bushes, and chirruped at her young to follow her away from the area. Seeing her meal run away, the fox let out a little whine and yawned. There would be other breakfast.

"Didja hear?" a girl with brown, wavy hair and blue eyes began, "Josie messaged me last night and she said Lannie's got a crush on me!"

Her companions, both girls, let out a squeal of delight. One of them had brown eyes and red, curly hair which she held back with a headband, and a face dotted with freckles. The other had a dark complexion and her eyes were very dark brown, and her hair was naturally straight, pulled back at the sides with a small ponytail. All of them wore uniforms which consisted of white blouses, plain green skirts and matching button-up shirts, and on their feet they wore brown dress-shoes. Two of them wore plain white socks, while the redhead wore sheer knee-highs.

"I'm so jealous!" the latter companion said, "Maybe I should curl my hair or something... oh I wish it was naturally curly like yours, Janice!"

"It's not all that great, Amy," the redhead replied, "It's hell to comb and style! I'm still begging my mom to get it straightened."

"Don't do that!" Amy cried, "Just don't do that! Your hair is terrific!"

"Aww you're nice," Janice laughed as they went along on their way to school.

"By the way," Amy added, "Did your dads just buy you STOCKINGS?"

Janice blushed at the comment, and looked down at her feet.

"Nope," she replied, "My grandma bought them for me last week, and Daddy-Joe was kinda funny about me wearing them to school... I have my socks in my backpack. Changed into my stockings after I got outta his sight. Daddy-Mike said he was okay with this but I shouldn't tell Joe just yet."

"Well you are lucky just the same!" Amy squealed, "My parents told me I could get my own later... and 'later' in my dad's language is like... when I'm thirty-two or something!"

"My mom and Evelyn told me I might be getting some stockings for my birthday," the wavy-haired girl said, "I hope I get some blue ones... they might clash with my uniform but I love blue!"

"Ooh let's hope you get lots of 'em, Liz!" Amy giggled, "Um... would you let me wear any that you don't like?"

"Sure!" the brunette replied, "I just hope that I can get that job at the restaurant that opened a couple weeks ago."

"You mean Parker's?" Janice asked, her eyes wide, "I'm applying there too! My dads are kinda iffy about me getting a job, but I think I can manage that and school since I'm already doing pretty well."

"Might try as well,"Amy said, "My parents are okay with me getting part-time work as long as I come home in time for dinner and don't fall behind in my studies."

As they chatted, the three friends saw a young man walking down the sidewalk and carrying a square cage with a small, gray bird inside. The man had long, brown hair that was tied back in a simple ponytail, and he wore a brown suit and tie, and new black boots. As he approached, the bird let out a surprised chirp, and flapped its wings a little.

"Oh, how cute!" the girls chorused, "What's his name?"

"Her name is Sunshine," the man replied with a smile, "Would you like to handle her?"

"Sure!" Amy said, looking closer at the bird, which extended her crest and cocked her head at the girl.

The man opened his cage and reached into the cage, slowly, extending a finger which the cockatiel stepped onto, and brought the bird out of the cage.

"Don't make any sudden moves or noises," the man warned as he handed Amy the bird, "Her wings are clipped, but she could still bolt and get hurt."

Amy nodded, and held out her hand, letting the cockatiel step onto her finger.

"Aww, what a pretty bird," the girl said, before letting her friends handle the cockatiel.

"I'd like to get a cockatiel for my birthday," Liz commented, "Does she talk?"

"She only speaks 'cockatiel'," the man replied, "But she does whistle. Can you whistle for us, Sunshine?"

The bird cocked her head a little and preened one of her wings, but didn't seem in the mood to take orders.

"Looks like that was a 'no'," Janice giggled, keeping her voice soft to avoid scaring the man's pet.

"Well, we gotta head for class now," Liz said, giving the man a slightly flirty look, "But can we come see her sometime? I hope we get some wild cockatiels out here like they have in the Austin District nearby!"

"Sure," the man replied, "But I don't know if Sunshine like it outside all that much. I'll have to see if it's okay with your parents, because I live alone."

"We'll hafta ask them then," Liz said, as she handed the bird back to her owner, "Catch you later!"

The man nodded, then placed his pet back into the cage and waved at the girls as they ran to catch up with the others. He walked up the steps of an apartment building, and reached into his coat pocket, producing a card which he slipped into a slot by the entrance. The door opened, and the man took his card and walked into the building.


Once in his room, the man set his bird's cage onto a table and took off his coat, then removed his hair, which was a wig.

"It's going to be very difficult, Sunshine," he said, "But I am going to get to the bottom of this."

The bird let out a chirp, seemingly as a reply, then started playing with a little toy bell that was attached to the side of her cage, while her owner walked into another room.


"In the news," an anchor announced on the subspace viewer, "As you may remember, two weeks ago, Science Station Hartnel-Tennant was hijacked by a group of what is believed to be pirates from the Jellico Sector. Sources indicate that this group of pirates may be linked to a clan of comet worshipers in that area. Travelers are advised to avoid these areas if possible or to take a military escort vessel. Commander in Chief Kelley, head of the armed forces in that sector, has this to say:"

"We will not stand for these people disrupting our commerce and our lives," an old man's voice said, "I and my forces are working around the clock to take care of this situation, and we will update everyone once we start to get things under control."

"When asked if it was in any way related to the biological attacks that happened seventeen years ago, Kelly stated that he would be investigating, though it is unlikely."

A beep sounded, and the viewer turned off. In the dim room, a woman threw her remote-card at the dead screen.

"You lying coward," she fumed, the anger burning in her dark, black eyes, "You bastard. You know what this is about, and yet you keep hiding this from everyone."

She reached over to a touch-sensitive strip on her seat, and raised the brightness of the lights.

"Goddamn cowards," she said, running her fingers through her dark, close-cropped hair, "All of you."

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